Becoming a Sister of St Joseph of the Apparition
The call to ‘become like Christ’ in the life form of Consecrated Life is a progressive and continual journey. It is supported by meaningful accompaniment to nourish the person’s growth at all levels. The initial contact phase is to help the person clarify the call to Consecrated life within a missionary community.
The Postulancy stage is a gradual transition to religious life and is followed by the Novitiate. This is a time to integrate and deepen God’s call, explore the charism of the Congregation and to discern the choice of direction for one’s life so as to freely commit oneself to follow Christ by the vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience and to undertake ‘works of charity’.
The Juniorate is a time of consolidation and learning where one deepens the sense of belonging to the Congregation. Within a community the individual continues to explore her ideas, beliefs, skills and capacity for a missionary life and become a disciple of Christ imbibed with the fire and passion of St Emilie De Vialar.
A vocation flows from the heart of God and blossoms in the good soil of faithful people. (Pope Francis)